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Torna a MPC.

Mascolo2.jpg Saverio Mascolo
Professore Ordinario (Full Professor)

IEEE Fellow

Model Predictive Control (6 CFU)[edit]

The course describes the main properties of Model Predictive Control (MPC), the most widely used and successful control method in the process industry and nowadays also applied in distribution networks, coordination of autonomous systems, automotive, and in many other fields of application.


Knowledge of Automatic Control, Dynamical Systems Theory and Estimation and Control of Dynamical Systems.

Examination method[edit]


Argument 1

State-space formulation and the MPC control problem: open loop solutions; closed loop solutions; treatment of constraints on state and control variables (8 HOURS - 1 ECTS)

Examples and exercises (4 hours - 0.25 CFU)

Further Informations:[edit]

C3Lab, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Polytechnic of Bari
Prof. Saverio Mascolo
Email: mascolo at poliba dot it
Dott. Vito Andrea Racanelli