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Torna a People.

Current contributors[edit]

Saverio Mascolo[edit]

He currently holds an Associate Professor position at Politecnico di Bari.

Luca De Cicco[edit]

He is pursuing the Ph. D at the Politectico of Bari since April 2005.

Francesco Vacirca[edit]

He is post doc at Universita' di Roma la Sapienza.

Past contributors[edit]

Luigi Alfredo Grieco[edit]

He has been a PhD student working on TCP congestion control at the Politecnico of Bari (2001-2004)

Angelo Dell'Aera[edit]

He has been working at the Politecnico of Bari with the support of the TANGO research project (2004).

[Roberto Ferorelli][edit]

He has worked on the first implementation of Westwood+ TCP in the Linux kernel 2.4