(Quality Adaptation for Video Conference Applications)
Riga 26: Riga 26:
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Skype&reg; is a registered trademark of Skype Ltd.
Skype&reg; is a registered trademark of Skype Ltd.
<p style="font-size:1.5em;"> '''BEST''' (Bandwidth Estimation) application versus Google video over a time-varying variable bandwidth, RTT=100ms.
Techical features: H.264 codec, Bandwidth Estimation, Adaptation, Congestion Control, FEC </p>
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<img src="/video/mixed_bands.png" alt="Bands" style="float: left;" />
<li><a href="#" onclick="javascript:player.sendEvent('seek', 55)">Go to 60s (when bandwidth drops  from 800 kbps to 160 kbps)</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="javascript:player.sendEvent('seek', 115)">Go to 120s (when bandwidth goes up from 160 kbps to 800 kbps)</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="javascript:player.sendEvent('seek', 175)">Go to 180s (when bandwidth goes up from 800 kbps to 2000 kbps)</a></li>
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Google&reg; is a registered trademark.

Revisione 11:11, 20 Mar 2009

Quality Adaptation for Video Conference Applications

BEST (Bandwidth Estimation) application versus Skype video over a time-varying variable bandwidth, RTT=100ms.
Techical features: H.264 codec, Bandwidth Estimation, Adaptation, Congestion Control, FEC

Get the Flash Player to see this player.


Skype® is a registered trademark of Skype Ltd.

BEST (Bandwidth Estimation) application versus Google video over a time-varying variable bandwidth, RTT=100ms.
Techical features: H.264 codec, Bandwidth Estimation, Adaptation, Congestion Control, FEC

Get the Flash Player to see this player.


Google® is a registered trademark.

Quality Adaptation for Video Conference Applications[edit]

BEST (Bandwidth Estimation) application versus Skype video over a time-varying variable bandwidth, RTT=100ms.
Techical features: H.264 codec, Bandwidth Estimation, Adaptation, Congestion Control, FEC

Get the Flash Player to see this player.


Skype® is a registered trademark of Skype Ltd.

BEST (Bandwidth Estimation) application versus Google video over a time-varying variable bandwidth, RTT=100ms.
Techical features: H.264 codec, Bandwidth Estimation, Adaptation, Congestion Control, FEC

Get the Flash Player to see this player.


Google® is a registered trademark.