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Ldc home.jpg Luca De Cicco
Associate Professor, PhD


DEE,Politecnico di Bari, ITALY
Tel: +390805963851
Email: ldecicco AT gmail DOT com
My Public Key
CV (Eng), CV (Ita)

View Luca De Cicco's profile on LinkedIn

Very Large Array, Socorro, NM
Jardin Rodin, Paris 7eme, France

Short Curriculum

Luca De Cicco has graduated in Computer Science Engineering in 2003 with honors. He received the PhD in Information Engineering in July 2008 from Politecnico di Bari (advisor Prof. Saverio Mascolo) defending his thesis entitled: "Modeling, design and implementation issues in Multimedia Congestion Control Algorithms". He is currently post-doc at Politecnico di Bari under the Apulia Region funded strategic project "Telecommunication Facilities and Wireless Sensor Networks in Emergency Management". His main interests range from modeling and design of congestion control algorithms for multimedia transport to performance evaluation of congestion control algorithms on live 3G networks and future internet paradigms. During the third year of his PhD program he covered a visiting scholar position at ECE Department at University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA) collaborating in the FIND (Future INternet Design) project under the supervision of Prof. Chaouki Abdallah. Moreover he has been a visiting scholar at L2S (Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes) École Supérieure d'Électricité (Supelec), Gif-sur-Yvette (Paris), France under the supervision of Prof. Silviu Niculescu.

Research Projects
